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Exclusive Edu-Culture International School Tour

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Welcome to Decode Careers : International Educational Tour Specialist

In an interconnected world, global education is on top priorities than ever.

Decode Career offers Students/Schools the Unique opportunity to visit Top Ranked universities and School, Interact with the international Students and faculty members. Our objective is to provide students educational possibilities to engage with academic and cultural resources and a wealth of prestigious universities.

Educentric Tour Packages
Exclusive Tie-ups with Universities
Immersive Activities
Immaculate Standards
Educational Tours
  • decode career : Tour specialist approved by tourism of New Zealand, Australia, Canada etc.
  • Customised supervised School holiday programs (Education, Culture, Adventure, Summer Schools, Profile Building, Home Stay).
Overseas Study
  • Your complete education pathways from Kindergarten to Universities
  • We have a long term alliance with several well-acclaimed Institutes and Universities across Globe (Decode Career represents major Schools,universities and colleges of Canada, New Zealand, Australia)
University Pathway
  • We are 100% pure NZ Specialist, Aussie Specialist.
  • Customised trips to suit your interests and how much time you have
  • The longer you stay the more you will be able to enjoy.
Our educational offering prepare students for the future by showing them more about the world through the power of experiential learning with the fun of travel

Our tours are not just limited to fun and adventure it provide opportunity to learn various Cultures, Sports activities, student interaction, student as well as teacher exchange programs, career options etc. with the support from Government Institutions of the destination countries.

Journey Abroad For Education

New Zealand

The Story of Decode Career Since its inception, Decode Career has been focussed on providing better experiences to travellers. New Zealand is not just another destination, it’s more. We at decode career want travellers to experience New Zealand as it is: pristine, lively, picturesque and full of joy and adventure. Through hand-picked activities and support from the local community, we showcase the true Kiwi way of life to all visitors, so that they do not have just another holiday, but experiences and memories of a lifetime.


Australia is filled with incredible natural beauty from Uluru to the Outback, rainforests to pristine white sand beaches, and of course, the Great Barrier Reef. No matter how many times you visit Australia, every trip, you’ll find something new about this country to love- its people, its landscapes and its wildlife


Whether you’re a hardcore adrenaline junkie, a wildlife enthusiast or a city slicker looking for cutting-edge culture, Canada ticks all boxes. A visit to Canada, a country with varied landscapes and varied people, is an excellent cultural, educational and fun experience.


From beautiful Paris, to smoke filled coffee shops in Amsterdam, to Oktoberfest, to the beaches of Greece, a wonderful experience awaits your students in Europe. The continent holds wonderful beaches, historical architecture, amazing wine, and wonderful people. Every country is incredibly different than the next.